complex dance theatre in education performance
After Horda2 and Based on True Story, Under Their Feet is the third piece of a dance theater in education performance series. During the performance we take a look at the subject of tradition and innovation in our game; we want to think together about the tension between the two concepts. Folk dance is a medium here that helps the central question to be more sensitive, more subtle, engaging in more sensory organs, and encompassing the question of identity.
Writer, dramaturge: Edit Romankovics
Music: DJ Panda
Scenography: Gabriella Kiss
Contractor: Zoltán Iszlai
Technician: László Kálócz
Performers/dancers: Viktor Bori, Dávid Bódi, Zsanett Fehértóy, Eszter Horváth, Ákos Kanozsai, László Kálócz, Norbert Kolumbán, Fruzsina Kriston, Anita Patonay, Virág Reszneki, Tamás Szabó
Theatre in Education consultant: Gábor Takács
Director: András Sereglei
Choreographer: Zsolt Juhász
Duration: cca. 180’
Under their feet is a cooperation of the National Dance Theatre, the Duna Dance Workshop and Káva Cultural Association.
The complex theatre in education (TiE) performance is a theatrical education program, in which theatre scenes, episodes and related conversations, as well as specific interactive art forms are joined in an organic way to further process and think a story. The topic of the performance is always a moral/social problem, which examines humans as social beings living in the present. It is a genre in which the viewer is placed in the centre, and the creating presence of the viewer has become a method. The aim is not to convey the message in these performances, but to focus on the dilemma. The creators try to emphasise a question or a problem, where examination from multiple perspectives is inevitable. A forum is created, where opinions can be negotiated, different thoughts can be confronted in order to establish a dialogue between the participants. It is a dialogue between students sitting in the same classroom, students and adults with different values, worldviews. These performances can also be perceived as performative social interventions.
Explanatory and related concepts: interactive theatre / applied theatre / performative method / theatrical education / complex theatrical educational performance / social intervention / drama pedagogy / participation theatre / TiE – Theatre in Education / theatre pedagogy / political theatre / constructivist pedagogy / non-formal education / community theatre