Based on a true story
complex dance theatre in education performance for primary school students of 6-8th grades
Co-production of the National Dance Theatre, the Central-European Dance Theatre, Káva Drama/Theatre in Education Association and Bethlen Theatre
In the focus of Based on a true story stays a family falling apart (a mother raising her children alone, a teenage boy searching for his way, a skeptic teenage girl and a father far away). Through our story, we will think together with the 12-14-year-old participants how someone can keep his/her humanity (and his/her childness) in a falling apart family. The complex performance is built up by textual theatrical scenes, dance theatre scenes, verbal and movemental interactive parts.
Duration: approx. 150′ (with one intermission)
Actor/drama teachers, dancers: MariannHargitai, Adrienn Horváth, Mátyás Csaba Nagy, Zsanett Jakab, László Mádi, Melinda Milák, János Kardos
Writer, dramaturge: Júlia Róbert
Theatre in education consultant: Gábor Takács
Scenery: Gabriella Kiss
Technician: Zoltán Fogarasi
Choreographer: Attila Kun
Director: András Sereglei
Venue: Bethlen Téri Színház (Bethlen Theatre)
Application: Nikoletta Varga 0630/8153580,
The complex theatre in education (TiE) performance is a theatrical education program, in which theatre scenes, episodes and related conversations, as well as specific interactive art forms are joined in an organic way to further process and think a story. The topic of the performance is always a moral/social problem, which examines humans as social beings living in the present. It is a genre in which the viewer is placed in the centre, and the creating presence of the viewer has become a method. The aim is not to convey the message in these performances, but to focus on the dilemma. The creators try to emphasise a question or a problem, where examination from multiple perspectives is inevitable. A forum is created, where opinions can be negotiated, different thoughts can be confronted in order to establish a dialogue between the participants. It is a dialogue between students sitting in the same classroom, students and adults with different values, worldviews. These performances can also be perceived as performative social interventions.
Explanatory and related concepts: interactive theatre / applied theatre / performative method / theatrical education / complex theatrical educational performance / social intervention / drama pedagogy / participation theatre / TiE – Theatre in Education / theatre pedagogy / political theatre / constructivist pedagogy / non-formal education / community theatre