Under the skies men have a common saying:
„Man, to thyself be true!” But here, ‘mongst Trolls,
„Troll, to thyself be – enough!” it runs.
Our rendition of Peer Gynt is based on Ibsen’s original play, but instead of presenting the whole story we aimed to focus on a storyline that can hold great importance both for our teenager and (occasional) adult participants. In line with this the play explores the personal (and interpersonal) responsibility through the recurring motive of escape and running away from unresolved problems.
Actors: Viktor BORI, János KARDOS, Melinda MILÁK, Kata SZILÁGYI, Orsi TÓTH, Sándor TERHES
Dramaturge: Júlia RÓBERT
Scenography & costume design: Lili IZSÁK
TIE-consultant: Gábor TAKÁCS
Director: Csaba POLGÁR
This project was created in a cooproduction with the company HOPPart and was realised of the Norvegian Grant.
Premiere: 11 april 2017
Duration: cc. 135’
The complex theatre in education (TiE) performance is a theatrical education program, in which theatre scenes, episodes and related conversations, as well as specific interactive art forms are joined in an organic way to further process and think a story. The topic of the performance is always a moral/social problem, which examines humans as social beings living in the present. It is a genre in which the viewer is placed in the centre, and the creating presence of the viewer has become a method. The aim is not to convey the message in these performances, but to focus on the dilemma. The creators try to emphasise a question or a problem, where examination from multiple perspectives is inevitable. A forum is created, where opinions can be negotiated, different thoughts can be confronted in order to establish a dialogue between the participants. It is a dialogue between students sitting in the same classroom, students and adults with different values, worldviews. These performances can also be perceived as performative social interventions.
Explanatory and related concepts: interactive theatre / applied theatre / performative method / theatrical education / complex theatrical educational performance / social intervention / drama pedagogy / participation theatre / TiE – Theatre in Education / theatre pedagogy / political theatre / constructivist pedagogy / non-formal education / community theatre